Elizabeth Bird

Elizabeth grew up at the edge of Toronto enjoying the seemingly untouched nature around her. As a child, drawing came easily as a way of expressing her emotions and observations of the natural world around her. With adulthood came responsibilities but when Elizabeth retired, she again had the time to paint. 

Elizabeth’s choice of medium is acrylics as they are versatile, vibrant and dry quickly. She is continually experimenting with viscosity, pliability and intensity as well as light and shadow. Other artistic forms that Elizabeth is enjoying are pastel and sketching. 

In 2011, Elizabeth entered her first art show, at the Mckay Art Centre in Unionville. Moving to Welland expanded her artistic journey. She has exhibited her paintings at the Civic Square Welland Wall of Art, the Welland Museum, the Festival Room at the Fonthill Library and at the VAW Gallery in the Seaway Mall.